360 Healthcare Business Consultant
Nutritionist Startup
Service Objective:
Bridge the gaps from college learning to practice as a Nutritionist, providing client-centered and evidence-based nutrition care.
Acquire the practical skill from a dietitian to structure and conduct individual consultation and group education such as health talk to uplift employability, business startups opportunities and chance of further education.
Reconfirm nutrition as one's career after earning relevant experience in interested areas, before deciding for continuing higher education, nutritionist startup business or choosing desired career path.

Program Outlines
The program will be leaded by highly skilled and experienced Registered Dietitian with a diverse background in commercial, community, and clinical nutrition/ dietetics field in HK. With a deep understanding of dietetics and a passion for promoting healthy eating habits, plus her extensive experience in coaching and mentoring, she brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to our Nutrition and Dietetics course.
Part I: Guided Tutorials
Module 1: Applied Human Nutrition (2hrs. x2 lessons)
This module provides students the critical skill to translate classroom knowledge and integration of professional resources into consumer education materials, focusing in nutrition throughout life cycle and prevention of common chronic diseases.
Module 2: Nutritionist Practice (2hrs. x3 lessons)
This module intend to foster students' effective communication, integration of applied nutrition knowledge with professional case management process; to formulate and implement nutrition management strategy for individuals and small groups.
Module 3: Career Development (2hrs. x1 lesson)
This module unveil modern community and commercial nutrition practice and discuss potential career and/or business opportunities for contemporary nutritionists. Guided design of your capstone program to get a taste of your interested practice.
Part II: Commercial Setup (elective)
Supervised commercial modules: Nutritionist business startup
Nutrition educator for individual, group and mass
Image building
Social media marketing
Commercial operations management
Nutrition supplements prescription in commercial practices
Mode of Delivery
Online & offline, location to be determined by activities nature
Medium of instruction: Cantonese, supplemented with English
Class size: individual to small group up to 6
Part 1: 4 weeks for 6 workshops
Part 2: 4 weeks part-time capstone program
Remark: Part 1 and 2 shall be running in sequence and partially parallel
Date/ Time
Mon to Fri, except public holiday per mutually agreed schedule
After completion of the program, you will be able to …
Provide scientific, balance & neutral view in applied nutrition and translate it into education for public
Confirm career goals and build foundation for further progress towards profession in nutrition & dietetics
Enhance employability by earning experience in nutrition business & building habit of effective communication
Learn best practice of client-centered nutrition care with professional ethics in nutrition business.
Apply for NutritionHK partner membership to connect with professional network and business opportunities.
Admission Requirements:
Graduates or undergraduates in year 3 and/ above in nutrition related degree programs offered by recognized universities local or overseas.
Tuition Fee
Individual: HK$5,500
Small group: 10-20% off per head depending on group size
Interested parties, please send us your resume to hr.nutritionhk@outlook.com for evaluation and screening purpose.
What People Say?
I enrolled in this course because I want to...
Get insight into nutrition industry
Acquire practical skill & experience
Escalate my nutrition knowledge
100% Recommended by FNS Students
Student enrolled in this program improve their skills in:
Application of nutrition knowledge
Nutrition assessment
Menu planning
Local diet trend
Nutrition presentation
Recipe design
Translate knowledge into consumer language
Overall nutrition counselling skills
* The findings are based on the NHK course evaluation survey conducted in 2020.